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The Green Wedding Chronicles: Getting Around Before, During & After The Big Day

We love our boots :)

We love our boots 🙂

“Consume less; share better.” ~Herve Kempf

Ahhhh….so our wedding planning is done, the honeymoon is booked, and now these last weeks race by as I work on wrapping up my existing professional obligations and get the garden planted while my fiance has returned to Oz to attend his immigration appointments and finish selling the rest of his possessions that won’t fit into a suitcase. Quite the hoops to jump through, but he and I have found it strangely therapeutic in the planning process – remembering to abide by a simple way of life, and clearing the way for our new life as a married couple here in the States. And those other little awesome things we celebrate – no more 15 hour flights back and forth across the Pacific! No more Skype! Woo hoo! Our home is here, in Portland, and we are so very much looking forward to a quiet life together.  (Well, until 2015 when that whole parenting concept will come into play!)

Flying Carbon Neutral

As we all know, flying internationally isn’t exactly the most eco-friendly thing out there. So it’s been nice to participate in Qantas’ carbon offsetting program, where the airlines is participating in a number of great global projects to combat the intense footprint made by air travel. And when traveling domestically, we almost always fly Alaska Airlines, recognized as the #1 most sustainable airline when it comes to reducing emissions.

Getting To The Church Beach On Time

When we decided to get hitched at the coast, carpooling was really important to us. Why would we all drive ninety minutes each way in separate cars when we’re all headed to the same place? Likewise, we’ve booked a cottage for all of our guests to share – saving money and keeping everyone close for the festivities. And for our festivities back at home later that evening? Why, it’ll be happening in our very own neighborhood, where we’ll walk there and back home at the end of the day. Pretty awesome.

Honeymooning Locally

While lots of people like to go somewhere exotic on their honeymoon, we just wanted to stay close in. After so much traveling back and forth these past few years, there are so many places here in the Pacific Northwest we have yet to explore.  And needless to say, this keeps our carbon footprint down, as well as leaving more green in the bank! Our honeymoon is going to be a long lazy road trip exploring the northwest, including Olympic National Park, Orcas Island, checking out Washington wineries, and – of course – Dan’s dream, Carver country.

Traveling Green

Ensuring that wherever we stay is respectful of the environment, we love the green features we’re discovering about the places we’re heading…

  1. Willows Lodge takes pride in their sustainable landscaping efforts.

  2. The Green Thread program at Olympic National Park is pushing them closer to ISO14001 certification.

  3. Can’t wait to stay at the Salish Lodge where they have their own 120,000 bee apiary and organic gardens.

  4. Sustainability initiatives at the Cannery Pier Hotel in Astoria includes bicycles provided to guests!

And After All of That…

I’ve lived without a car for 6 years, Dan for more than 20 years.  While he is going to learn to drive on the “right” side of the road this summer so we can take turns on our road trip, there are no plans for us to buy a car. Can’t imagine having to worry about the expense of our own car – especially in this town, land of the bicycle!

“There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends.” ~ Homer

Honeymoon on Orcas Island (photo source)

Looking forward to honeymooning on Orcas Island (photo source)



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